New Biomes and Polish! ​- Devlog #3

Devlog #3: Head Hunter - New Biomes and Polish!

Hello again, adventurers! It's time for another exciting update on the journey through Head Hunter's development. Since the last update, I've been hard at work improving the game in many ways based on your feedback and my own ambitious plans. Here’s what’s new:

Improved Minimap and Controller Support

One of the top priorities was ensuring that Head Hunter looks great on all screen resolutions and plays smoothly with controllers. I've fixed the minimap to scale correctly across different screens and implemented robust controller support using Unity's new Input System. This change lays the foundation for even deeper controller customization in future updates.

Bug Fixes Galore

Several bugs have been squashed including:

  • Fixed a bug where Splodes could generate inside of the ground.
  • Resolved an issue where gold could be picked up twice.
  • Addressed collision issues between chests, enemies, and the player.
  • Fixed a bug where at least one already unlocked door wasn't always generating in each level.
  • Ensured attacks are restricted to only four cardinal directions for consistent gameplay experience across controllers and mouse.
  • Various other small quality-of-life improvements and bug fixes to enhance gameplay stability.
  • Thanks for your patience as I iron out these kinks!

    Enhanced Audio Options

    The options menu now features audio sliders that directly control the audio mixers. Adjusting the volume levels for music, sound effects, and more is now easier than ever before.

    Revamped Sound Effects

    I overhauled the entire sound effects system, allowing for each sound to have its own unique volume and pitch settings. In addition, there's a wealth of new sounds:

  • Added sound effects for collecting experience points.
  • Included sound effects for leveling up.
  • Introduced sounds for making successful and unsuccessful purchases.
  • Added sound effects for opening chests.

  • Tutorial and Gameplay Refinements

    Improved tutorial sections including double jumping, camera movement, and attacking enemies to more clearly and easily convey their message.

    New Biomes and Features

    Explore two fresh biomes: the Marsh and the Jungle. Keep an eye out for future updates as I plan to introduce water to the Marsh biome.

    Polished Level Transitions

    Added a loading transition between levels, giving more feedback when the player enters a door.

    UI Tweaks

     Added options and main menu buttons directly to the pause screen for quick access.

    Gameplay Balancing

    Rebalanced gold distribution, adjusted biome unlock costs, and ensured that each level generates with all necessary biome doors.

    Procedural Decorations and System Upgrades

    The Dungeon now features procedurally generated decorations, adding visual variety and depth. This system and other similar improvements pave the way for faster and more exciting updates in the future.

    Future Plans

    Looking ahead, I continue to expand Head Hunter with more content, including the anticipated addition of water elements to the Marsh biome, more enemy variety, additional sound effects and UI improvements, and of course bug fixes. Stay tuned for more updates on this and other upcoming features!

    Thank You!

    Your support and feedback drive me forward. I can't wait to share more updates with you soon. As always, feel free to reach out with your thoughts and suggestions—I'm all ears!

    Until next time, happy hunting!

    - The Head Hunter Dev


    Head Hunter 14 MB
    Jun 24, 2024

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