Super Massive

You play as the divine creator of a newly born universe. Fuse particles together by dragging and dropping with your mouse to produce more massive structures. Beware of antimatter particles, for they will neutralize the mass of traditional matter. As you drift, you'll enter different environments. Particles will move slower in voids due to their cold emptiness. Particles will accelerate in warmer areas. Be mindful of these regions as you manage your massive particles. 


Left Mouse Button - click and drag white (matter) particles around

Fusion - drag two identical mass particles together to fuse them

Spacebar - skip the introductory cutscene

Escape - pause the game and edit volume settings

Thank You

Thank you to Mark Brown for hosting yet another GMTK game jam this year. This is my first ever jam submission! I hope you all enjoy playing Super Massive, and I can't wait to see the creative games made by the other contestants. Cheers!


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Fun game! Reminded me of Suika. I think adding a visual indicator to easily identifies the size of a ball will be a great~

Very well presented!
I find it a bit slow placed, especially at the end, maybe consider removing /adding smaller/bigger matter balls the bigger your biggest matter ball becomes.
also it is very frustrating to lose a whole level just by a small antimatter, especially as on higher levels it is very punishing (8 or even 16 merges lost on every antimatter touch), maybe try adding some sort of health system on bigger balls, especially after an increase in size with unintentionally makes you touch a close antimatter (maybe try adding a small protection explosion on every merge to protect your balls)

First of all thanks for trying my game! I agree with all of your feedback, and you have some really good suggestions as well. I considered adding naturally spawning larger particles, but never got around to it. I agree they would help alleviate some of the tedium of the late game. I love the idea about destroying nearby antimatter particles when you fuse. Such a clean solution to fix situations which seem unfair. I get your frustration when losing one of your largest particles. It’s not a fun feeling. However, I think the challenge of managing many particles in the late game makes achieving the super massive all the more rewarding. Im not sure how a health system would feel, but it’s certainly a valid criticism. Thanks!